A Pipeline From Scratch


I'm assuming

fly -t ci login -c http://localhost:8080

You're now a pipeline sculptor, and fly is your chisel. We'll use it repeatedly to (re-)set the pipeline over and over. There are many subcommands to fly, but the one sequence you should learn by heart is set-pipeline with its parameters:

fly -t ci set-pipeline -p my-pipeline -c pipeline.yml
  • -t specifies the aliased target ci of the Concourse instance
  • -p instructs fly to use my-pipeline as the name of the pipeline
  • -c points at a YAML file with the pipeline definition

Two more remarks:

  • I recommend using the sp shorthand for set-pipeline
  • Sometimes we'll interpolate variables into the pipeline from the external file, and we'll use the -l switch to do that.

Okay, that's it. Store the following in your muscle memory and let's get on with sculpting:

fly -t ci sp -p my-pipeline -c pipeline.yml [-l vars.yml]

Pipeline Skeleton

At a minimum, a pipeline definition must contain at least one job. Here is a job with no inputs or outputs that does precisely nothing, other than letting us set the pipeline.

- name: test-and-build

We'll use simple as the name when setting this pipeline. We'll see something like this:

$ fly -t ci sp -p simple -c pipeline.yml
job test-and-build has been added:
+ name: test-and-build
+ plan: null
pipeline name: simple
apply configuration? [yN]: y
pipeline created!
you can view your pipeline here: http://localhost:8080/teams/main/pipelines/simple
the pipeline is currently paused. to unpause, either:
- run the unpause-pipeline command:
fly -t ci unpause-pipeline -p simple
- click play next to the pipeline in the web ui

Let's follow the link to the UI. You should find a grey rectangle:

Skeletal Concourse Job

Let's interpret what we see, from top left corner

  • The black square with two rectangles is a foldable sidebar, that allows you to jump between pipelines.
  • Next, Concourse's Propeller will hyperlink you to the pipelines dashboard.
  • The top appbar is blue (in Concourse synonymous with pause), that means the pipeline has only been created and must be unpased for jobs to run.
  • Next, pinned resources info (none yet)
  • A star toggle
  • Unpause button - hit it to unpause the pipeline
  • The loggin of the user logged into the Concourse instance
  • In the middle of the canvas a test-and-build job. It's greyed out because it never ran before. If you move the mouse on the canvas, left bottom corner will display a legend of all other possible pipeline states.
  • Finally, the UI allows you to download a matching version of fly CLI from the right bottom corner.

Click through onto the gray square and let's look inside the job. First run of a job

Look for an encircled + sign in the right top corner. This particular job takes no inputs, so the only way to trigger its execution is to click on that button. Go ahead!

Now the job appbar has turned green, with a small numnber 1 underneath (a job log) and job timing info (start time, duration). A new icon next to an encircled plus - a partially encircled plus: this will give us an option later to manually trigger the build with exactly the same set of inputs or rerun the job with a set of most recent available inputs. Useful when tracking down flakiness. At this point our pipeline takes no inputs, so we'll revisit that point later.

First run of a job

Test and Build

Doing nothing is a really low bar for success, let's get our job to actually do some work. We will

  • add a resource in the resources section - a git repository with code,
  • define a base image for the task in our job
  • run a command listing the contents of our build workspace

The pipeline now looks as follows:

- name: code-repo
branch: main
uri: https://gitlab.com/oozie/example.git
type: git
- name: test-and-build
- get: code-repo
trigger: true
- task: build
repository: alpine
type: docker-image
- name: code-repo
platform: linux
path: /bin/sh
- -c
- |
find .

Note that we set trigger: true under the code-repo input. So any incoming version (a commit) will trigger the execution of the job. Go ahead and set the pipeline with fly. Try to type in the command from memory. By the time you're done, the commits from code-repo will have triggered a job run and you'll see something like this:

First run of a job

We're now at the job log number 2. The output from the job is the stdout from the find command. Note the layout of the build container: the build starts in a working directory one-level above the code-repo input. In other words, to work with the code in code-repo , you need to first change the working directory to enter it. This is different from most CI systems: while other CIs typically accept a single input - a repo with code - Concourse allows for multiple arbitrary inputs and outputs from each task in a job.

Now, let's get our job to do some useful work.

  • Change the build image to golang
  • Add an output called build
  • update the commands to actually test and build, as follows:
- name: code-repo
branch: main
uri: https://gitlab.com/oozie/example.git
type: git
- name: test-and-build
- get: code-repo
trigger: true
- task: build
repository: golang
tag: 1.19-bullseye
type: docker-image
- name: code-repo
- name: build
platform: linux
path: /bin/sh
- -c
- |
set -eux
cd code-repo
# Setup dependencies
go mod tidy
go get github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo
go install github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo
# Test, looking for tests recursively
ginkgo -r
# Build and place in the output directory.
go build -o ../build/fetcher-linux-amd64 cmd/main.go

Now set-pipeline with fly. Remember how to do this? Great. Since no new commits are coming into the repo, you must go to the Concourse UI and click on the encircled plus to rerun the job. Go ahead!

At this point, we tested and built the code, but the artifact (fetcher-linux-amd64) remains within Concourse's build container.

Uploading Artifacts

Let's upload our binary to S3 now:

  • Create a versioned bucket in S3, I'll use s3://concourse-farm-releases
  • Create a file creds.yml with your access and secret keys:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "[your access key ID]"
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "[your secret key]"
  • Extend the resources section of the pipeline by our destination resource binary-linux
- name: binary-linux
type: s3
access_key_id: ((AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID))
secret_access_key: ((AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY))
region_name: ((AWS_DEFAULT_REGION))
bucket: concourse-farm-releases
versioned_file: binaries/fetcher-linux-amd64
  • Append a put step to the plan list of our job:
- put: binary-linux
file: build/fetcher-linux-amd64
  • Set the pipeline with the fly command, this time using our credentias:
fly -t ci set-pipeline -p simple -c pipeline.yml -l creds.yml
  • Trigger the job with an encircled pipeline.

The pipeline should look like this now:

Skeletal Concourse Job

  1. It's a single-job pipeline with one input and one output
  2. The code-repo input triggers the pipeline (solid line connecting the resource to the job)
  3. On completion, binary-linux resource is published (put) to S3